Single bale : Approx weight 100lbs
Ton: 20 Bales

Alfalfa By The Bale
$ 11

Alfalfa By The Ton
$ 198

Timothy By The Bale
$ 13

Timothy By The Ton
$ 234

Alfalfa/Timothy By The Bale
$ 15

Alfalfa/Timothy By The Ton
$ 270

Timothy/Oat By The Bale
$ 12

Timothy/Oat By The Ton
$ 216

Orchard Hay By The Bale
$ 10

Orchard Hay By The Ton
$ 180

Mixed Bales By The Bale
3 way contains 80% Alfalfa with Bermuda and Timothy
5 way contains 70% Alfalfa with Oat, Orchard, Timothy and Bermuda.
$ 14

Mixed Bales By The Ton
3 way contains 80% Alfalfa with Bermuda and Timothy
5 way contains 70% Alfalfa with Oat, Orchard, Timothy and Bermuda.
$ 252