About the Reese Family
Aled Reese came from Wales with a dream. He invested his fortune in the first transcontinental Railroad, and through that and careful management became a self made Millionair. His son, Tomos had the forsight to invest in real estate. Today the family has a divesified portfolio in everything from Energy to Shipping, including Real Estate and the Railroad.

Eleri Reese, known to everyone just as Reese, is now the heiress to an expansive fortune. She, along with her younger sister and her parents run Rainbow Ridge. Thus named because when Tomos Reese bought the farm for his wife, Gwen, a rainbow ended on the ranch property.
Meet the Reeses
Eleri & Seren Reese help their mother, Lynette, and father, Owen, Run Rainbow Ridge Ranch. Eleri has been cutting her whole life and is now the head trainer for the farms cutting horses. Lynette is a versatile rider, she is the head trainer for the working cowhorses. Seren is a speed demon, and she rides the barrel horses on the ranch. Owen is the overall ranch manager, while he rides anything with four legs, you most often find him in his office, or taking care of the farm with the help of Carl, his assistant.
Tomos and Gwen Reese, the eldest generation live in the Mother in Law suite at the ranch. You can find them on any given day helping out with anything that needs doing. Gwen, a world class chief, enjoys doing most of the cooking and is in charge of the house. Tomos is slowing down in his age and has a bum knee, he doesn't ride much any more but his vast experience and wisdom is cherished by the entire family.